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In courtesy of David von Becker

_ Climate & Culture Weekend       


is a hybrid event and space to connect with ourselves and nature. Across various creative disciplines we want to celebrate attempts for a socio-ecological culture, the will to create and the overall local independent creative community.

The goal of the Climate & Culture Weekend (CCW) is to create a platform and moment where talented creatives are not only able to present their work, but have a chance to encourage each other and to motivate and inspire visitors to act for a better future.

More than ever, we feel there is a desire for vibrant, analog experiences of beauty and togetherness in order to find access to ourselves and a better way to live together. 

The Climate & Culture Weekend is a place for everyone who wants to fuel creative inspiration, learn about sustainable challenges, processes and solutions, local alternatives, small initiatives or future-proof materials.

_ Panel Talk   

is a discourse on a yearly relevant topic, for which we invite experts from various disciplines.



_ Hybrid Exchange  


is about showing, sharing, presenting or selling future-proof ideas, products and services through a new hybrid format blurring the borders between:

Exhibition x Showroom x Trade Fair x Store x Food Market x Music Festival

Expect: Design, Architecture, Art, Artisanal Crafts, Music, Literature, Food and more. 

We welcome neighbours, families, Berlin visitors, journalists, creative people, small entrepreneurs, scientists, politicians and many more.

_ Interactive Action 


is about creating knowledge transfer and engagement between creative people and visitors in order to learn from and with each other. Apart from showing works, creatives can share valuable inspirations, repair, mend and care tutorials, recipes, DIY guides, or small lists of quotes, books or anything they would like to give visitors on their way to everyday life. 

_ Creative Workshops 

is one small workshop about how to use sustainable ideas in everyday life. This workshop is suitable for both, adults and children. 

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